It was a pitch dark Saturday night when Annabelle invited my friends and I to pass a weekend in her house in the woods. We got into Andrew’s car and we make for Anna’s home. The fact that the fog was thick didn’t help us to see over the windshield.
“Why can’t we go on foot to Anna’s?” I proposed a little bit afraid for our safety.
“You reason like a toll, Sam! Are you mad?” said Jules with an air of “I know everything”. She always liked to be in the centre of the attention.
“I think that Sam is in right” supported me Andrew, my best friend “It’s more dangerous if we carry on with the car, I can’t see anything !” so he stopped his car on the side of the street.
“Why are you stopping the car here? I won’t go in the woods on foot. I’m dressing my new pair of high-heeled shoes!!” complained Jules, like a five years hold kid.
“If you want to go on car, here the key!” said Andrew following me.
“Where are you going? Dou you real want to leave me alone?” said Jules out loud.
Lost my patience, I made blander: “If you want to came with us I wouldn’t put a spoke on your wheel.”
So I took my bag from the bonnet and I advanced into the woods.
“Here it is.” Andrew gave to me a torch. I thanked him.
After a while I heard a gloomy and scary sound. I kept looking about myself to watch if there was someone behind us. I pointed the torch in every direction and finally I found Jules holding a map.
“We thought that you were caught by the aliens!” joked Andrew.
“Ah-ah” said Jules not very amused . “I just don’t want to be alone!” continued her. So she started to explain us where it was Annabelle’s house.
At a certain moment , Andrew shouted : “I didn’t know that you have the power to read a map in the opposite sense!”
“Are you joking? It seems that we are lost?” I pulled away the map from Jules’s hands.
“Excuse me, guys!” she said. Jules took her pink shiny phone.
“Hell, there’s no signal!”
“Well done: we are lost in the middle of the woods and the telephone have no signal! We can only hope that someone will find us.” Told Andrew , a little bit nervous. A blast of wind hit me and, at the same time, I heard a howling of a wolf .
I immediately trembled but I didn’t know if I did that ‘cause I was afraid or for the low temperature.
Andrew hold my hand to take me heart. He is a good friend, in fact I appreciated his deed.
“I think that with your shoes we can strike a fire. Are you agree with me , Sam?” I nodded with an ironical expression ‘cause he tried to make me laugh.
“Don’t touch my shoes!!” said Jules afraid for her little babies.
Suddenly a strange figure approached us . The fog wound it with an halo of mystery.
In a first moment I thought that it was a ghost but, when Jules pointed her torch in the point in which there was the figure, we noticed that the ghost was Annabelle. I sighed ‘cause I was really happy to see her, so I hugged her.
“What are you doing here, guys? I’m waiting for you since nine o’clock!” she said.
“We’ll explained to you what was happening in this hour but now, please, could you bring us home?”
to be continue XD ...
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